
Assuming responsibility.
In the region. Worldwide.

As a globally active group of companies, we bear responsibility. For our products and activities. For the partnership with our customers, employees and suppliers. In the company. In the society. In the region. In Europe. Worldwide. Our acceptance of this responsibility is a part of our value-oriented self-concept. And the basis for the broad corporate trust on which our entrepreneurial success is founded.
  • Responsibility starts in the company
    Long-term success requires a stable foundation. At PFEIFER we are convinced of that. So that the enormous dynamic development of our group of companies can succeed in its global markets, we base ourselves on solid foundations. By that we mean the quality of our products and services. And the quality of our relationships – with customers, employees and external partners. They are valuable resources on our way into the future. That's why we treat them responsibly and with great awareness. And we attach great importance to the continuous improvement of these relationships.


    Our behaviour, actions and demeanour determine the public reputation of PFEIFER – and thus the long-term success of our company. As a globally active group of companies we attach the utmost importance to ensuring that our activities are always in compliance with the respectively applicable legal systems, laws, internal guidelines, agreements, values, goals and other boundary conditions in the respective countries. The comprehensive code of conduct of the PFEIFER Group documents our understanding of compliance. This code governs the principles of the company in dealing with one another, with business partners and with third parties. With conflicts of interest, company resources and information, and with occupational health and safety, protection of the environment and sustainability. As a binding, continuously monitored guideline for all board members and employees at PFEIFER.
  • Responsibility for our customers
    Our customers face safety-relevant questions every day. And every day they have to give the right answers. They rely of PFEIFER every day. We respect this trust as an inestimably high value. It deserves our best efforts. Every day. The relationship with our clients? We practise partnership. That means that we are where they are. That we are in close touch. We do this via regular customer surveys. Via joint development projects. And above all: via personal discussions. For us, partnership means that we meet our customers eye-to-eye in all questions. Because we are familiar with their industries, markets and legal boundary conditions. We delve deeply into the special features and challenges of their tasks. It's not uncommon for us to approach our customers with ideas, developments and innovations that exceed their expectations. We see new possibilities where others have already reached their goal. And our strategy here? It is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy: we want to secure the decisive advantage in global competition for you – our customers.
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  • Responsibility for our employees
    PFEIFER is a field of action by people for people. That is our principle. We shape our future together. And together we shape the success of our company. The motivation, work enjoyment, creativity and health of our employees are our most valuable assets. Maintaining and strengthening them is anchored deeply in our people-oriented corporate culture.

    Quality of life

    Work-Life-Balance is the modern term for something that we at PFEIFER have always closely linked to our people-oriented corporate culture. A balanced work/leisure ratio is part of that. The reconciliation of family and job. Free space for one's own professional and personal development. The possibility to be able to react to unusual life situations. Plus the awareness of being deeply and responsibly integrated in our family company. In addition to various concepts for flexible working hours, there are many different forms of individual agreements. Plus different offerings that promote health and fitness. Or which are simply there to foster social contacts within the company – across all hierarchies, departments, locations and countries.

    Healthy factory

    Health and safety are essential prerequisites for our performance capability, because they secure our economic success and our jobs. Occupational health and safety are therefore of central importance at PFEIFER. Danger and risk potentials have been subject to standardised analyses for years. Within the scope of the works health and safety management we continuously check and improve our working conditions. PFEIFER in Memmingen is thus certified to the globally recognised OHSAS guideline – Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series. The benchmarks for our operating climate and workplace design are also set high. The "Healthy Factory" has developed into a living process in the company that has a comprehensible effect on the sickness days and well-being of our employees.
  • Responsibility for education and further training
    Qualification is the key to the successful future of our employees – and of our company at the same time. That is our way of thinking at PFEIFER. The subject of education and further training therefore deserves to be accorded very special attention in our view. School sponsorships, training trade fairs, university trade fairs, work experience, the EQJ training offensive (Einstiegsqualifizierung Jugendlicher – Entry Qualification of Young People), the national "Girls' Day", works inspections, events such as "Dual Study – doubly successful", "Come with ME", "Training and Study Day" and many other events: we attach the utmost importance to school leavers being well informed when they begin their apprenticeships at PFEIFER. There are many different possibilities available to students and graduates: dual study, preliminary internship, work study activity, practical semester, thesis work – entry at PFEIFER is as individual as the personalities and goals of young people. At PFEIFER there is a choice of 16 apprenticeship professions and courses of study, both industrial and clerical. The training plan at PFEIFER follows the guidelines "Qualification and Humanistic Education". For many years, for example, we have enabled our apprentices to spend several weeks of their apprenticeship at our foreign branches. So that weaker applicants can also gain an entry to a working life, we have set-up workplaces suitable for the handicapped. And with apprenticeships in external facilities we have put together a special programme of measures. In addition, we participate in the EQJ Training Offensive (Einstiegsqualifizierung Jugendlicher – Entry Qualification of Young People). By the way: A 10 percent apprenticeship quota at our main plant and outstanding final exam results demonstrate our particular commitment to the accompaniment of young people on their way into their professional future. Two of our apprentices received awards from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry as the best examination candidates from the Memmingen/Unterallgäu region. We are proud to say that the majority of our foremen, group leaders and management staffs were recruited from our own ranks. Our "PFEIFER Campus" further training concept is very personally oriented and offers every employee a great deal of room for individual development. With more than 80 courses. On subjects such as occupational health and safety, technology, quality, business management and law, IT, languages, methodological competence, education and health. The very high extent to which this offering is used as a sign of our strongly development-oriented corporate culture. In 2015 there are expected to be over 750 external and internal training days, which will take place either within the scope of the PFEIFER Campus or at the individual request of the employees.
  • Social responsibility
    The history of PFEIFER has been closely linked with the region surrounding the headquarters in Memmingen for over 430 years. Social commitment in the home region is therefore a particular concern of the owner family. Gerhard Pfeifer was presented with the Seal of the Town of Memmingen for his services to the town. Within the scope of the Corporate Citizenship, a plethora of support measures are ploughed into social, cultural and political projects which, by the way, extend far beyond the region. For example, when PFEIFER donates wire ropes for the construction of a bridge in South Africa.
    Award of the Seal of the Town of Memmingen to Gerhard Pfeifer for his services to the town.
    PFEIFER donates wire ropes for the suspension bridge over the Mzamba river in South Africa
    PFEIFER has supported the classical music event "Festival of Nations" for years.

    Environmental protection

    What we do today shapes the lives of subsequent generations. PFEIFER acts with this awareness. The protection of the environment, resources and health are therefore fundamental components of our corporate ethics. They are subject to continuous checking and improvement processes. Along the entire value creation chain. In all functions and at all levels.
    • Energy & resources
      The responsible handling of energy, water and raw materials is an important component of our corporate policy. All of PFEIFER's activities are strictly harmonised with the principles of environmental protection and energy efficiency. At all locations worldwide.
    • Environmental and energy management
      The protection of the life and health of all employees and the responsible handling of resources and hazardous materials are matters of course for PFEIFER.

    Social commitment

    Social fostering and social sponsoring by PFEIFER follow their own ethics. "We do this out of a holistic and people-oriented understanding – and not for advertising or other economic interests", says Gerhard Pfeifer. The fostering of young people is at the focal point. One of PFEIFER's particular concerns is supporting their development through sport, music or other activities.
    • Support for Memmingen's twin town of Tschernigiv in many areas, for example, through guest appearances of the Tschernigiv Philharmonic in Memmingen. Or through aid deliveries such as the equipping of hospital no. 2 with high-value medical equipment and instruments. 
    • Targeted company-wide donation actions. For example, for flood victims in East Germany or for a special school for mental development in Memmingen.
    • Donations by employees for regional projects such as the "Registry of the Needy" or a children's hospice.
    • Support for aid organisations. Hence, members of the Lebenshilfe Memmingen/Unterallgäu e.V. can tend to the company's gardens or take care of simpler production elements.
    • Participation in foreign aid projects. For example, the donation of ropes for a suspension bridge over the Mzamba river in South Africa or the donation of money to "Architects Beyond Borders".

    Cultural commitment

    The PFEIFER Group is internationally active. Despite that, the traditional family company has retained its cultural identification with Memmingen and the Allgäu. Many events, facilities, institutions and support measures date back to the initiatives of Hermann Pfeifer (who died in 2000) and Gerhard Pfeifer. Whereas his father mainly sponsored traditions, however, it is the cultural education aspect that is most important to Gerhard Pfeifer. The conveying of new ways of expressing culture is for him a major contribution to the development of value-oriented personalities and societies. 

    Sponsoring of traditions

    • The Wallenstein Festival.
      The festival in Memmingen, which is well known beyond the region, dates back to an initiative of Hermann Pfeifer. It still receives considerable support, both financially and organisationally. By the way: PFEIFER also contributes to the manufacture of the historic weapons, cannon carriages and whole arsenals of hand guns.
    • The mystery plays as well as the important production of "Jedermann" (Everyman). 
      The translation of Hugo von Hoffmannsthal's texts into Memmingen dialect was one of Hermann Pfeifer's masterpieces. The entrepreneur also made a name for himself as an author. His poems in Swabian dialect have been published in eight volumes. These also include the "Fischersprüche", numerous comedies and plays about the history of the town of Memmingen. 

    Cultural fostering of young people

    • The classical music event "Festival of Nations".
      The classical music event "Festival of Nations" in Bad Wörishofen is also of supraregional importance. The musicians aged from 11 to 17 years are all prize-winners in international competitions. The main concern of the organisers is the sponsoring of up and coming artists. And for Gerhard Pfeifer the reason to offer major support to this festival as a sponsor. Sponsorship projects such as classical workshops for children are also supported. Or – an unforgettable experience for everyone involved – the public dress rehearsal with the world-famous violinist David Garrett.
    • Through our collaboration the mediaeval Kreuzherrnkloster abbey and hospital has been elaborately restored.
    • Gerhard Pfeifer was also a major benefactor in the acquisition of the new Goll organ in St. Martin's Church. It is one of the most important European organs and has since been played in concerts by renowned organists from far afield. 
    • The Museum of Contemporary Arts opened in Ottobeuren in May 2014. It is dedicated to the works of the artist Dieter Kunerth, who is well known beyond the regional borders.

    The list of cultural commitments of the entrepreneur and company PFEIFER goes on and on. With many smaller and larger examples – each of them providing impetus for the lively cultural variety in the region. 
  • Political responsibility
    PFEIFER regards participation in current social and political discussions as an important task. As a company and as an entrepreneur.

    Associations and committees

    We sit on a large number of national and international committees and boards and are involved in many associations. And we put our profound knowledge to use for the solving of ecological, social and technical challenges.

    Honorary commitments

    As a holistically thinking entrepreneur, Gerhard Pfeifer is active in many honorary posts. Here are just three of the many examples of his extensive commitments:

    • Gerhard Pfeifer is the deputy president of the Swabian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, where he continuously champions the interests of the regional economy.
    • He is actively involved as a founder member and member of the circle of founders of the airport operating company Allgäu Airport. In view of the historic importance of the town as a traffic hub, this airport is an important building block for the development prospects of an extended Memmingen economical region.
    • On account of its easily accessible geographical location between the big cities of Munich and Stuttgart, the region of Swabia is an important hub between Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and the neighbouring alpine region to the south. On Gerhard Pfeifer's initiative, the Schwabenbund (Swabia Association) was founded as a strategic alliance for strengthening the regions of Allgäu, Lake Constance/Upper Swabia, Danube/Iller and East Württemberg. The aim is to bundle the strengths of this prospering area and to lend it more weight at state, national and European level through a common positioning. The regional alliance was registered in 2015 as Verein Schwabenbund e.V. and Gerhard Pfeifer was elected as chairman of the four-man executive board.
    Gerhard Pfeifer received the State Medal of the Free State of Bavaria for his special services to Bavarian economy.

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